No Country For Old Men is an American crime thriller, set in West Texas during the 1980s. Due to the setting, the film can also be classified under the sub-genre of 'Western'.
The film itself is based around the characters Llewelyn Moss and Anton Chigurh. After breaking off his end of the deal, and killing anyone else involved, Chigurh accidently misplaces the money he sought. Moss then finds the money after seeing the scene of Chigurh's crime.
Then begins the 'cat and mouse' style chase, resulting in a heavy load of violence and large amounts of blood.
The film is different to many other thrillers and the villain in the main character; the villain is central to the plot. Moreover, the villain prevails, rather than the 'good guy'. This makes the film unique and more interesting than other thrillers.
My favourite scene from the movie is the scene in which Chigurh visits Moss' wife. The scene is extremely tense and we are unsure whether Moss' wife dies or not; the director only hints at it.
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This is my blog which will be part of my AS Level coursework for Media Studies.
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