'Drag Me To Hell' is an American horror that can also be classified as a thriller. The film was directed by Sam Raimi, and depicts the tale of Christine Brown as she fights to stop herself being dragged to hell. After rejected the desired extension of local gypsy Mrs Ganush's loan, the old lady begs for Christine to help her and grant the extension. Christine, who is seeking a promotion, decides to be strict and says no to Mrs Ganush's pleas. Ganush is humilated, and begins to get angry. She rips a button off of Christine's jacket, and hands it back to her after performing a curse.
Christine sees a psychic, who tells her she is cursed and has three day to live. At the end of the three days, the Lamia will drag her to hell. After a failed seance, Christine learns that she must pass the accused button onto someone else. She tries to find a suitable recipient, but fails. The psychic tells her that she can in fact give the button to Ganush, who had recently passed away.
Christine drives to the cemetery, and digs up Ganush's body. She formally gives the button to the body as a gift, and leaves feeling accomplished. The next day, Christine heads to the train station to meet her boyfriend, Clay, who was intending to propose to her. Clay reveals that he found an envelope in his car, containing a button. Christine realises that she gave Mrs Ganush the coin she had bought for Clay. Both items were in white envelopes, and were mixed up during a minor road accident the day before. Christine is horrified, and falls onto the train tracks. Before the oncoming train hits her, she is dragged to hell.
The film creates vast amounts of suspense, and leaves the audience guessing on numerous occasions. The conventions used in 'Drag Me To Hell' are very effective, and inspiration is gained by watching this film.
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