
Sunday, 16 January 2011

Survey Analysis

Today I decided to check the data from my survey. Below is just an example of the data collected; as you can see, I had 25 people participate in my survey. I think this is a nice, round amount, and will give me a clear indication as to what people would like to see in our thriller opening.
What is your gender?
The majority of our audience is female, meaning that using female characters would be effective, and the audience could relate to the characters on-screen, and will become more immersed in the world of the film.
How old are you?
All of the participants were under twenty years of age, and most of them were between sixteen and twenty. Once again, it would be effective to cast an actress that is around this age, as the audience will find it easier to relate to them.
With regards to movies, do you like the Thriller genre?
88% of participants stated that they do like the thriller genre. This means that the film opening we create should be appealing to many people, especially those within the age range stated above.
Which sub-genres of a thriller do you enjoy the most?
Horror was the most popular option, and is easy to re-create. Therefore, we hope to install horror conventions into our thriller. Another popular option was the disaster genre. However, this would require a lot of Special FX, time and money, all three of which are scarce. Thus, it would be awfully difficult to create a film in this genre. Our film will also include codes and conventions from the psychological sub-genre, which gained seven votes out of a possible twenty-five.
Why do you like the sub-genre(s) you have selected?
Some of the answers for this question included:
  • "As they can be both scary and exciting."
  • "I like watching things that people have put a lot of thought into, things no one would ever think of."
  • "I like the rapid pace associated with the thriller genre, especially in the horror and supernatural sub-genre."
One participant gave a long and interesting answer, which was more specific than the others.
"It's hard to say why I like them. I think they are each interesting for there own reasons. 
Crime: is kind of like a mystery, and you pick up the clues as the movie goes along and makes you want to find out more to solve the mystery. 
Disaster: they often make people think that these things could happen, therefore we watch it and it makes us think of what we would do in this situation. It makes you want to watch on because you want to see their decision. 
Horror: Blood and Gore, enough said. 
Psychological: it's very interesting, and at times confusing, therefore we want to watch it more to figure out what is going on. 
Supernatural: is different to every day life. I like to watch it because it lets you explore a totally different world to your own.
Techno: i like futuristic movies because it's strange and different which makes it even more intriguing."
On average, how many Thriller films do you watch a month?
The majority of people watch two thriller films a month. This indicates that there is stiff competition for the audience's attention, and that our thriller will have to stand out.
What is you favourite component of the Thriller genre? (Suspense, mystery etc.)
Some answers include:
  • "Death, and usually the gory ones."
  • "I prefer mystery as its something that you can get involved in and try and solve the mystery in some films."
  • "The suspense right before a scary bit that you know is going to happen!"
Aside from the word 'Thriller' itself, what 3 words come into your head when you think of the term 'Thriller'?
As there were 75 words/phrases for this question, I decided to make a wordle. As expected, some of the answers were immature, but the vast majority were very useful.


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